Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Aloneness is NOT Loneliness

Aloneness does not necessarily mean loneliness. Being alone can in fact be a blessing. Anyone can choose to be blissful even when alone. Harold Sala says that "more than where we live, it is how we live that produces loneliness." I have a choice whether to live each day rejoicing, though alone, or to sulk. Mother Teresa says that the cure for loneliness, which she has called "the world's worst ill," is "love and involvement in the lives of other people." She believes that in reaching out to help a hurting person, "you find a cure for your personal demon of loneliness." Happiness in being alone is not so elusive if we understand that it does not come to those who eagerly seek it. It is a result of devotion to God and selfless service to others.

--from True Love Weds, pp.24-25


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