Tuesday, March 22, 2005

In Her Brother's Bedroom

The following is an email I got from a friend since college:

True Love Weds finds its way to my brother's bedroom.

I was surprised to see Grace's book sandwiched between my brother's bedsheets and pillow. He's 15, the youngest of four and a voracious reader. Despite that, I didn't expect him to take interest in the book (which was originally in my bedroom).

How did I react? Well, I didn't rejoice nor did I praise and thank God for it. But yes, I would want him to finish the book. I do not expect him to embrace it but at the minimum knowing that the book caught his attention is an achievement in itself.

The book has to compete with FHM, Archie Comics and the complete works of Shakespeare (yes, at 13, he read Romeo and Juliet and Merchant of Venice in the original and note it was NOT even required in his class)--with your prayers, Grace, he'll probably finish it somehow...

I'm praying...


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