Friday, April 28, 2006

Funny Shower Game

I organized a shower party for a friend (K Ravello who will be married to a Swiss, Pascal Bazzell, on May 2nd). It was a surprise and we were successful in keeping all the surprises undetected until the last minute.

One of the girls, Sol, facilitated a game that was equally funny and artistic. She gave us two index cards and had us write something romantic in one and something unromantic in another. Afterwards, we wrote a poem combining the two things creatively.

Here’s the poem I wrote. Guess what my romantic thing and the not so romantic thing were:

Poem for K
Rose petals
Scented candles
Hearts in tune
Arms intertwined
Bodies unite
Unexpected fart
The toilet beckons
Romance in the air
Now sits on the throne.
Copyritght 2006 Grace Gaston-Dousel


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