Monday, April 25, 2005

Pinoy 'To!

Yesterday, we attended a church in Quezon City. My husband, Mang, preached in the worship service. I was so content with my role as a supportive wife and a loving mother (who stayed in the nursery with Lian Ed the whole time) that day. As I went out of the church to get something to drink in the nearby canteen, a young lady ran after me and said, "Excuse me, I read your book." I almost asked, "What book?" as I had forgotten that I am an author because I was engrossed with my domesticated role that day. Before I could respond, the pretty young lass just went on to say how much she liked it. "I have read I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris and I liked it. But I am sooo happy that finally I have read something set here in the Philippines! There's hardly anything written about us and something that I can really relate to! Finally, there's one! Thank you!" I was dumbfounded. I guess it's one of my proud-to-be-pinoy moments. Yes, that's just what my book True Love Weds is--proudly, Philippine-made! Praise God!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

True Love Waits

This is the first time in 3 years that I will handle a True Love Waits Seminar. I've been active in the movement since I co-wrote the curriculum with my TLW buddies Aleks Tan, Blas Tiangco and Rhea Paredes in 1998. We've been to Cebu, Davao, Cagayan de Oro and here and there in Metro Manila training youth leaders and workers. But I had to take a leave when after true love waits...true love weds. In 2002, I asked to be out of the TLW scene so I could concentrate on my wedding preparations. And now, after my monumental ethnic wedding cum costume party, my romantic honeymoon in a paradise island and giving birth to a wonderful baby boy, I am back to the ins and outs of the TLW movement. Exciting!

Do whisper a prayer for the TLW Seminar I'll have with Micah and Misha's kids from Payatas on April 23 and the youth leaders of the Christian Bible Church in Marilao on April 30.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Lian Ed

I should've posted this on April 5...

Our Son

A year ago he came
We welcomed him
With songs and a name.
In our hearts was a prayer
As we held him
We praised his Creator.

Our cherished treasure
Our priceless inheritance
In him we find pleasure.
'Lian Ed' means 'great protector'
Two names taken from days of old
Poor and needy may in him find a defender.

To the Lord Almighty
We, His stewards give
Our son to care and keep.
May you do, dear Lord
That which You please
And may he live according to Your Word.

Copyright 2005 Grace Gaston-Dousel

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Lian Ed, a few hours old.

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Our first family picture.

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Baby magazines said babies don't smile until the 2nd month. But our Lian Ed smiled at 5 days old!

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My little Mr. Pogi!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Tips for Bloggers

I came across an article entitled “Blog Responsibly” by Alexander M. Osias in the April 25, 2005 issue of Newsbreak Magazine (check out the news and magazine stands for it if you want to read the whole article). I just thought of sharing parts of it here so as to help all you bloggers and would-be-bloggers as you electronically scribble your musings.

So where’s the harm in writing down your view of the world and recording your experiences for posterity?

Blog authors may find themselves the targets of lawsuits if the individuals and corporations tackled in these short journal entries construe some of the content as defamatory. In addition, blog authors writing about the shortcomings of companies they work for may be fired from their jobs.

Authors sometimes forget that while they may write for a specific target audience (friends and co-workers), their sites are accessible to countless people beyond their immediate social circles.

So here’s some advice for bloggers:
(I just picked out the key sentences. Get the explanations from the complete article. Find a Newsbreak Magazine.)

1. Write your blog for your target audience; edit your blog for strangers.
2. Separate objective facts from subjective speculation.
3. Be ready to correct or clarify your entries.
4. Disclose any personal biases.
5. If you have any suspicions concerning the validity of an information source, or believe that they may have cause for prejudice against another party, qualify any information imparted in your blog.

Hope we’d all be responsible bloggers.

Monday, April 11, 2005

The Second Year

April 11, 2005

My Ngaihnou* Mang,

It's been two years.

Married life isn't always easy but it sure is a wonderful journey. We have experienced the ups and downs, the joys and pains, the surprises and mundaneness of being together. We have learned and unlearned lessons that would strengthen our bond. Two things I learned this year--always choose to love and always extend grace and forgiveness. Two things I unlearned this year--insisting on my rights and thinking that everything has to be fair all the time.

Yesterday, as we sat in the garden while the sun set and the gentle breeze blew, I felt like a blushing bride once again. As we held hands and renewed our vows I felt love bloomed anew. Right at that moment, as if by divine orchestration, the church bells rang to seal our renewed commitment to love and to hold each other for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, for bigger or for slimmer, in sickness and in health till death do us part.

Thank you for your undying, unconditional, selfless love. I love you.

Devoted to you,

*Beloved in Paite (Mang's language)

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Mang Dousel & Grace Gaston
Two lives, two cultures
One love, one Lord
April 10,2003

Monday, April 04, 2005

Which U2 Song am I?

I am a U2 fan! And I was amazed to find out that ONE of my favorite U2 songs (the other one is "Grace") aptly describes me!

You are "One." Achingly beautiful and
heartbreaking, you tend to go for the
melancholy side of life. There's nothing wrong
with a good wallow, but try and see the happier
side - it's there if you really look for it.

Which U2 Song Are You?
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